Sunday 12 May 2013 @21:39

Hallo World Hallo human Hallo Animl Hallo Flora Hallo Aliens
Today Bright like shine bright lie the diamond,,So hot this morning rainy jump from cloudy but this time
sunny mad and bright his light to the earth..Animal and Plant Happy about the weather
Human are the Saddest about the weather but Aliens Think that Human hate Rain
So Human has said to all "We dont like so hot,,we also dont like Rainyy"
Aliens like Hot and Rain,,Why???
So all animal and  plant to human,
Human says Who Aliens i dont know his species,are they Human not plant nor Animal
And Human Say "Ouhh Thier are uknown"

What is i thingking about


Hallo,Assalam Dunia disini Muhammad Zakwan 20 tahun.. masih melanjutkan pelajaran,.. dan bercadang untuk berkhawin pade umur 27..haha ,Melaka Teluk Mas ....terimas